Church and community groups
Community Cafe
The third Saturday every month from 9.30 to 11.30am
Take a break from shopping with coffee, cakes and children’s crafts.Church Art Group
Meets the second Friday of the month.
From 2.00pm- 4.00pm
Memory Cafe
The third Tuesday of every month from 2.00pm until 4.00pm
A welcoming, stimulating and supportive break for adults living with dementia and their Carers.
For further information please contact Gillian on 07729 835 457 or Christine on 0115 845 0433Tuesday Fellowship Group
The first Tuesday of every month 2.00pm-4.00pm
For further information contact Christine on 0115 845 0433
Little Angels Toddler Group
Every Wednesday in term time from 9.30 - 11.30am
Children from babies up to school age are welcome with their parents/grandparents/child minders Admission is £2 and includes all refreshments.
For more details contact Jan on 0115 933 3003.
Private Prayer
The first Thursday of every month 10.00am-12.15pm
This is a time to be still with your thoughts or to rest a while. All are welcome to stay for soup lunch.
God bless you in the silence and the stillness and restore your heart.
Soup Lunch
The first Thursday in every month from 12 noon to 2.00pm
All are welcome for friendship and a chat over a tasty soup lunch.Friday Coffee Morning
Every week from 9.30 to 11.30am
Join us for coffee, biscuits and friendship.