Upcoming events
Community Cafe-Saturday 15th MarchSaturday, 15th of March 20259:30amContact name:Radcliffe Methodist ChurchLocation:Radcliffe Methodist Church
Community Cafe will be on Saturday 15th March from 9.30am-12 noon.
Any donations will go to the Alzheimer's Society in honour and memory of Clive Marshall.
Please come and join us for delicious cakes and chats.
Easter ServicesWednesday, 12th of March 20257:00pmContact name:Radcliffe Methodist ChurchLocation:Radcliffe Methodist Church
Ash Wednesday- Wednesday 5th March at 7pm. There will be an Ashing ServicePalm Sunday- Sunday 13th April at 10.30amMaundy Thursday- Thursday 17th April at 7pm. This will be Tenebrae service.Good Friday- Friday 18th April short service at 10.00am followed by walk of witness.Easter Sunday- Sunday 20th April- 9.00am breakfast followed by 10.30am Communion Service